Everyone tries to help themselves first. Information often helps people to better understand their own problems, and in some cases to deal with them better. Counseling centers often help to find orientation in the jungle of possibilities and information, sometimes to be able to change something. Self-help groups often help to exchange experiences and information with those affected, sometimes to support each other and to make a difference together with others. These options are not a substitute for adequate treatment by specialists, but are usually an important support, even in the context of ongoing psychotherapy. Unfortunately and I found only few reliable sources in English so far. If German is an option, please refer to the German version of this page.
Information: National Institute of Mental Health
Counseling Centers: Anonymous online self-help on the subject of pedophilia
Self-Help-Groups: Narcotics Anonymous
Acute mental crises: In emergencies, please call either the medical on-call service of the health insurance associations (national telephone number: 116 117) or the nearest local psychiatric hospital. In addition, anonymous and free advice could be provided via Ipso-Care or Lifeline online or via the Samaritans (you can contact them 24h/7d under the phone number +44116123. Please be aware that calls from Germany to this international number incurs costs.)